Skin Tags Aftercare

Following treatments, the treated areas may feel irritated and display redness. A scab or crust may form over the area as it heals.

  1. Be caution with scabs. Do NOT pick, scratch, or prematurely remove scabs to prevent skin damage such as hyperpigmentation or scarring.
  2. Apply an anti-bacterial ointment or powder the evening following treatment if irritation persists in the treated areas.
  3. Protect with a bandage if friction can cause irritation to the treated area.
  4. Avoid touching or washing the treated area for 24 hours.
  5. Keep treated areas dry for the first 24-48 hours post treatment.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight on treated areas and use sun protection if the sun is unavoidable.
  7. Use a minimum 30 SPF sun protection every day, all year round.
  8. Use mild, non-stimulating cleansing products for washing.
  9. Pat skin dry rather than rubbing to prevent premature removal of scabs and irritation of the treated areas.
  10.   Apply mineral/remedial makeup only post treatment. Avoid use of all other makeup on treated area for 24 hours following treatment.
  11.     Avoid peeling and other forms of exfoliation or bleaching products for a minimum of 21 days following treatment.